Bocetos de diciembre

It looks like without planning it, the natural progress of things, brings whatever I am doing into a break. Never sure of the reasons behind, however it feels good. How would you look like if you were a figure, a shape, just one sketch…?

Parece que sin planearlo, el progreso natural de las cosas, trae todo lo que estoy haciendo a un descanso. Nunca segura de las razones detrás, sin embargo, se siente bien. ¿Cómo te verías si fueras una figura, una forma, un boceto…?

6 thoughts on “Bocetos de diciembre

      1. ♡ Pas problem; in My View “Time” is either Linear (Forwards, Backwards Circular and Spherical) or Cylindrical (Energetic, Chaotic)…as to how this “came” to Me I Engaged with Energetic Time; this “creative” is actually “[Mr]. Cylinder!” yet no offence taken, online noone knows that I AM really a Dog 🤫


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